Mature? Yeah, I get told that a lot. I don't know if it's true. I guess I try to be bright.
I think I can lead a pretty anonymous life, yeah.
Are you making fun of my hero complex?' Yeah.
I have four words for you: I love this company, yeah!
I heard this rumor that al Qaeda is merging with Hamas. Yeah, I got that tip from Martha Stewart.
Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy. That's all I'll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm.
Yeah, in the digital world, it is so much easier to put stuff out without a great deal of paraphernalia and fanfare.
Jenn: Do you love him? Ani: Yeah, I do. Jenn: Then you can forgive him. It's not worth it to let love slip through your hands.
Organized, yeah. And those who are so sure that their God is the right God that they believe it's ok to kill another person who doesn't believe in their God.
Oh, I love horror movies, yeah.
Yeah, we'll play that. You want fries with that?
You're not always right. You're often wrong. But at least you're looking at it as objectively as you can with as much experience as you can in the moment and saying, "Yeah, I think it's funny" or "No, I don't think it's funny yet. "
Big night of television tonight for Barack Obama. Earlier tonight, Barack Obama aired a half-hour infomercial to attract more voters. Yeah. Yeah, and apparently, if you watched the entire infomercial, Barack threw in a free set of Ginsu knives for you.
I'm always looking upwards and looking forwards and so when someone says, "Hey, would you consider a TV show?" I say, "Hell yeah, I'll consider that. I'll check that out. "
Oh yeah, I mean every fighter has got be dedicated, learn how to sacrifice, know what the devotion is all about, make sure you're paying attention and studying your art.
True simplicity is, well, you just keep on going and going until you get to the point where you go. . . Yeah, well, of course.
Yeah, well, the F-bomb - it's become as ubiquitous as the word 'like. ' People just throw the word 'like' around as punctuation. And I think in a lot of everyday speech, the F-bomb has become a kind of dash or a comma.
I have a cousin called Flirta D who was big in the grime world, which made me really cool at school. 'Flirta D's your cousin?' 'Yeah, buddy. ' 'He must be a millionaire!'
Yeah, I was a child of American popular culture.
And so getting to meet Aubrey Plaza and Mae Whitman and getting to know two awesome girls who are just kick-ass. It's been nice that way where we probably wouldn't have worked together on any other crazy project. And just like you know Chris Evans teaching us all the high-five because he's dealing with like non-jocks (laughter) and we're like yeah!