Each role has its own different challenges.
To-day is always different from yesterday.
As an actor, you always want to keep it different, change it up, and, you know, just to keep yourself inspired and work with interesting characters.
I like so many different kinds of chick flicks. I like rom-coms, I like female friendship movies.
The Third Quartet I made the instruments in pairs - Two different pairs - Violin and viola, and violin and cello. They played very different things from each other all through the whole piece.
I always tell people you can take the thugest thug in the world, and if you put a suit on him, he'll act different, trust me.
Male and female have the power to fuse into one solid, both because both are nourished in both and because soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.
I trained at The Groundlings and was surrounded by some very funny women and also some very unfunny men. I didn't feel a sense of things being different because I was a girl.
If we're going to stay the gold standard, we're going to stay ahead of the curve, well, then, when people try to do the things we're doing, we're trying to do more. We're trying to do something different. We're coming at it a different way. That, for me, to be honest, is the fun part.
Words were different when they lived inside of you.
I think I would be making a mistake to actively try and just do everything completely different from 'Gilmore Girls.
It doesn't get better, it doesn't get worse, but it sure gets different!
O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.
With a different form of wireless instrument devised by me some years ago it was found practicable to locate a body of metallic ore below the ground, and it seems that a submarine could be similarly detected.
Siri has proven to us that people want to relate to the phone in a different way.
I never like to think of any character as being over. I'm always thinking of different ways of bringing them back.
Writing is very different to having your photo taken. You are exposing yourself more, not physically but emotionally.
Well, one is inspired by the whole of life, one's own and somebody else's. You know how sometimes you hear great music, and music is completely untranslatable into words, into any words. A certain tension that is born when one listens to music could aid you in expressing something absolutely different.
The accidents of my life have given me the ability to make stories in which different parts of the world are brought together, sometimes harmoniously, sometimes in conflict, and sometimes both - usually both. The difficulty in these stories is that if you write about everywhere you can end up writing about nowhere.
The only problem is getting comfortable with myself. It's different for me, a different team. I have to try to do the best I can, working, trying to get comfortable in the left field and with my teammates, too.