It is not enough. . . simply to surrender oneself brainlessly to love, when it knocks at the door, one must also calculate because of later life, which does sometimes follow.
Sometimes I'll hit a note and sometimes I don't. Why not at least try?
Sometimes I see him as just another person, and sometimes I feel the sight of him in my gut, like a deep ache.
Sometimes I say, If I had seen some masterpieces, maybe I wouldn't have dared start. I started very - not innocent, but naïve in a way.
I sometimes have a tendency to walk on the dark side.
It's hard sometimes to not want to know what people are saying behind your back and to ignore certain things that are being written.
Art can sometimes be separate from the artist.
Sometimes you have to know when to shut the f - - up.
Sometimes the gifts of God aren't wrapped as we expect.
Sometimes you just get giggles leprosy and it can't be helped. I find that there's a direct correlation between fatigue and breaking.
Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right.
Sometimes the British press is maybe a little bit racist.
You could call me antisocial, I've called myself that sometimes too, but I just prefer to be alone, and that's nothing against you.
It's about not accepting every challenge thrown at you. Sometimes you hold back and when it's needed you go for it.
If you believe, sometimes unbelievable things are possible.
sometimes in life doing what we shouldn't do is the emergency
Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn.
Everyone starts a film thinking that it would be a big hit. But sometimes it goes haywire.
Sometimes we are just divided, but we still, for the most part, we have similar hopes and dreams.
Everybody has to write out of rage sometimes.