If you consider that the gender roles are just political, then what you come to see is that the full circle of human qualities is divided up so that two-thirds are masculine and one-third is feminine. Women are missing more of their human qualities, so you'll find us on the fore-front of trying to change this.
Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?
I have seen that community and a close relationship with the land can enrich human life beyond all comparison with material wealth or technological sophistication. I have learned that another way is possible.
I became a little alarmed at the number of my readers who took the meme more positively as a theory of human culture in its own right - either to criticize it (unfairly, given my original modest intention) or to carry it far beyond the limits of what I then thought justified. This was why I may have seemed to backtrack.
I think the first villain that I ever played was on Stargate. I was this superior being that would take over a human host and believe that he was the most superior being in the universe.
Among these temples there is one which far surpasses all the rest, whose grandeur of architectural details no human tongue is able to describe; for within its precincts, surrounded by a lofty wall, there is room enough for a town of five hundred families.
Of possible quadruple algebras the one that had seemed to him by far the most beautiful and remarkable was practically identical with quaternions, and that he thought it most interesting that a calculus which so strongly appealed to the human mind by its intrinsic beauty and symmetry should prove to be especially adapted to the study of natural phenomena. The mind of man and that of Nature's God must work in the same channels.
All the great writers root their characters in true human behaviour.
To awaken spiritual unity, and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature, is the true goal of human life.
When one loves animals and children too much, one loves them against human beings.
It's been a long rocky life, with plenty of possibility but too much human ugliness.
All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.
Ultimately, the decision to save the environment must come from the human heart. The key point is a call for a genuine sense of universal responsibility that is based on love, compassion and clear awareness.
. . . fact takes no heed of human hopes.
In the distance, the gestures of animals look human, the gestures of human beings bestial.
The price of clothes may be low, but they are paid for with human lives.
Formerly man had only a body and a soul. Now he needs a passport as well for without it he will not be treated like a human being.
The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well-documented.
Love and compassion. . . are the ultimate source of human happiness, and the need for them lies at the very core of our being.
The feudal concept of self-preservation is poisoned at the core by the virulent assumption of master and man, of potentate and slave, of external and internal suppression of the life urge of the only one - of its faith in human sacrifice as a means of salvation.