We are all together in this, we are all together in this single living ecosystem called planet earth.
The laughter of girls is, and ever was, among the delightful sounds of earth.
Dear Humanity; we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!
The absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities.
I can't think that leaving Earth once is enough.
As far as the stars are from the earth, and as different as fire is from water, so much do self-interest and integrity differ.
It is true there is a scent in the desert, though there may be no flower or tree or blade of grass within miles. It is the essence of the untrodden, untarnished earth herself!
I see life as one life at one time, so many millions simultaneously, all over the earth.
It wasn't through the mind, through thinking, that the miracle that is life on earth or your body were created and are being sustained.
Maybe Hell ain't a place meant for us to Burn, maybe Earth is Hell and just a place for us to Learn.
The main problem with solar on the Earth's surface is that it is so intermittent, and we don't have decent storage yet.
Earth you know is round but seems flat. You can't trust your senses.
If I can find out God, then I shall find Him,If none can find Him, then I shall sleep soundly,Knowing how well on earth your love sufficed me, A lamp in darkness.
It appears, from all that precedes, reasonably certain that if there be any relative motion between the earth and the luminiferous ether, it must be small; quite small enough entirely to refute Fresnel's explanation of aberration.
Just because you are going to Heaven doesn't mean you have Heaven established in you. Success is Heaven on earth.
Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains, rather than do an immoral act.
Bugs are not going to inherit the earth. They own it now. So we might as well make peace with the landlord.
My first interaction with William Shakespeare was an American production and there was an actress, playing Puck, who sounded like Mickey Mouse. When she said, I'll put a girdle around the earth in 40 minutes," I was amazed - the idea of Puck traveling around the Earth in 40 minutes was amazing to me. My dad, who was a scientist, I remember him telling me that Sputnik circled the globe in an hour in a half. And I thought, "Wow, Puck is twice as fast as Sputnik. "
Give me liberty or give me death. ' A human named Patrick Henry said that. I wonder if the Yeerks knew before they came to conquer Earth that humans said things like that. I wonder if the Yeerks knew what they were getting into. " -Aximili Esgarrouth Isthill
From every spot on earth we are equally near heaven and the infinite.