Boys are so much less mature than girls as it is.
Sexuality in girls isn't explored as much as it should be. Everyone gets freaked out - it's quite a taboo thing for girls to wanna have sex
I think a huge part is how we're socialized growing up to see our value and worth as being tied into a relationship and how our culture teaches us a distorted sense of romantic love - can't live without you, can't breathe without you, I'll die without you. As teenage girls we believe that level of emotional intensity and dramatics equates with real love. We're also taught that if we date lots of people, then we're sluts, so at an early age we put all our eggs into one basket, so to speak, and concentrate on "the one".
I learned the truth at seventeen, That love was meant for beauty queens, And high school girls with clear skinned smiles, Who married young and then retired.
My accent always works with girls. They like it, I have no idea why.
Previously unseen boo-boos come at you like tattoos on a teenage girl.
Can you imagine wot it was like. All the girls gettin' luvly figgers and me stayin' flat as a pancake? It was no fun, I tell you.
What makes a girl a girl? What makes a guy a guy? Do you have to be what they want you to be? Or do you stop and listen to that voice inside you? I know who I am. I'm Petra West. And I'm a girl. You want me to sleep somewhere else, fine. Whatever. But I'm not going to pretend to be somebody I'm not. I've done enough of that.
Every girl will come with pros and cons. Some people will choose to focus on the worst in some of your options and the best in others, and it will make no sense to you why they seem so narrow minded. But I’m here for you, whatever your choice.
'I wish for a better life. I wish for food for my children. I wish that sexual abuse and exploitation in schools would stop. ' This is the dream of the African girl.
If a girl doesn't have a sense of humor, then what would you have to talk about?
When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire.
I have always stressed to my girls that outer beauty fades but inner beauty lasts forever. Simple things like smiling and looking people in the eye could change someone's bad day into a good one. My mom always said that beauty is as beauty does, and I'm sure it will pass along to all the future generations of our family.
I think it shows that you are a confident person if you can walk up to a group of girls and just be able to talk to them sober.
Vella looked around. "This is really a revolting place, Yarblek," she told him. "You've been spending too much time with Porenn," he said. "You're starting to get delicate. " "How would you like to have me gut you?" she offered. "That's my girl.
I was one of the first print models to go on the runway because I wanted to do runway. When I started doing the shows, I was the only print girl there.
I know your breed; all your fine officials debauch the younger girls who are afraid to lose their jobs: that's as old as Washington.
Why did you say you believed me ?" In profile, he could see both the young woman she was becoming and the little girl he remembered. "Because I trust you.
Basically, when I was filming John Tucker the guy that I was seeing for two years was cheating on me. Sophia, Ashanti, and Arielle really became the same girls they are in the movie, and we became best friends. They were there for me so much.
I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.