I'd really been wanting to do a television series. I was looking for a comedy.
Foes of what's cooking see no worth behind it. Those that are looking for nothing will find it.
I say you shall yet find the friend you were looking for.
I always love depth. I like looking through windows, through frames, through spaces into other spaces.
I am looking forward to learning at the knee of Paul Ryan. He doesn't strike me as a politician. He strikes me as an economist.
We don't have much wisdom about the second half when things really open up and end up looking a lot more progressive. In my own Catholic church, for example, we're sort of circling the wagons today by thinking that more moral strictures, more exclusionary rules on this or that, that that's going to do for the first half of life. I don't think it really does.
You will never find what you are looking for in love, if you don't love yourself.
The uprising in Egypt was initiated by the young generation. The uprising achieved two things. One is it made the lives of dictators impossible. Today, if you are looking for a safe job, don't become a dictator.
Men are allowed to age. Men are allowed to gain weight. Men are allowed to be quirky looking.
When I look back, it was a strange period in my life, looking at my childhood and then my teenage years and forming Slayer when I was still 17, not out of high school.
Foreign governments are going to be poring through all these Donald Trump tweets looking for - to try and discern what it means for foreign policy.
We want to make sure the thing you're looking for is on Google 100 percent of the time.
I'm 29 years-old and, sure, I'm looking to find a wife.
With no object no image and no focus, what are you looking at? You are looking at you looking.
Good-looking people are always looking for other good-looking people.
Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell you, as I'm sitting here dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling you're looking for, no matter how much of them you have. "
When You Weren't Looking. . . why. . . . Can't you. . . care. . . more. . . about. . . me.
If other cows with mad cow disease were slaughtered, we wouldn't know where to begin looking for people who might have been affected,. . With a comprehensive tracking system, we would.
It wasn’t easy looking dignified wearing a bed sheet and a purple cape.
I always knew who I was and where I had come from. I was not looking for a home in other people's lands.