Every act of the man inscribes itself in the memories of his fellows, and in his own manners and face. The air is full of sounds;the sky, of tokens; the ground is all memoranda and signatures; and every object covered over with hints, which speak to the intelligent.
God made man in his own image, and man returned the favour.
I wish I didn't have to perform 'Iron Man' every night.
I am a free man, the slave of Christ.
A man running after a hat is not half so ridiculous as a man running after a woman.
The man who knows his limitations, has none.
Don't let the man bring you down.
I find along with many virtues in my countrymen there is a jealousy, a soreness, and readiness to take offence, as if they were the most helpless and impotent of mankind, and yet a violence. . . and a boistrousness in their resentment, as if they had been puffed up with the highest prosperity and power. they will not only be served, but it must also be in their own way and on their own principles and even in words and language that they liked. . . which renders it very difficult for a plain unguarded man as I am to have anything to do with them or their affairs.
If the Gospel and the Apostles may be credited, no man can be a Christian without charity, and without that faith which works, not by force, but by love.
Off with your hat, as the flag goes by! And let the heart have its say; you're man enough for a tear in your eye that you will not wipe away.
A man is a poor creature compared to a woman.
To improve the oarsman you must improve the man.
They say what doesn't kill the soul will make you stronger, but you can't be a stone-hearted man.
The world can do nothing to a Christian who has no fear of man.
There is no freedom that I would grant to any man that I would refuse to woman, and there is no freedom that I would refuse to either man or woman except the freedom to invade. . . whoever has the ballot has the freedom to invade, and whoever wants the ballot wants the freedom to invade. Give woman equality with man, by all means; but do it by taking power from man, not giving it to woman.
As to the origin of civil Societies or Governments; the Author of our Being, has given Man a Nature to be fitted for, and disposed to Society. It was not good for Man at first to be alone; his nature is social, having various Affections, Propensities and Passions, which respect Society, and cannot be indulged without a social Intercourse.
The Frenchman is first and foremost a man. He is likeable often just because of his weaknesses, which are always thoroughly human, even if despicable.
Shun an inquisitive man, he is invariably a tell-tale.
There is but one fountain of comfort for a man drawing near to his end, and that is the Bible. . . . All comfort from any other source is a house built upon sand.
The fact is remarkable, that though education in its higher degrees is popularly neglected in Siam, there is scarcely a man or woman in the empire who cannot read and write.