I like the feel of your name on my lips.
Conductors' careers are made for the most part with 'Romantic' music. 'Classic' music eliminates the conductor; we do not remember him in it.
My life has been awaiting you. Your footfall was my own heart's beat.
I found my life's calling when you spoke my name.
I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all that you ever dreamed of, and I wish you joy and happiness. But above all of this, I wish you love.
Your love made it all worth waiting for some like you.
Is that romantic fantasy real? Um, after kids, no. Take the kids away, I don't know. Depends.
It's all very romantic," Gabriel said, and then frowned. "Or it would be, if my brother could get a word out without sounding like a choking frog. I fear he will not go down in history as one of the world's greatest wooers of women.
When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink.
I am deeply romantic and a genuine yet complex person.
Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together. . . and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home. . . only to no home I'd ever known. . . I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like. . . magic. - Sleepless in Seattle
I consider myself to be a romantic person, and I love the idea of having a soul mate.
Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.
I remember when my schedule was as flexible as she is. . She call and tell me 'be here before the sun up', I be dressed before we hung up
But I have seen thee And thou art enough.
I'm a hopeless 19th-century romantic.
I am romantic about the NHS. I love it.
There's something so romantic about being broke in New York. You gotta do it. You have to live there once without any money, and then you have to live there when you have money. Let me tell you, of the two, the latter is far better.
Only unfulfilled love can be romantic
Aye, wumman, if it's truly romantic, then it must be Scottish.