Got dragon balls like my name was Vegeta
We totally misunderstand both his aims and his contribution if we try to read into Marx some anticipation of either the modest successes or the disastrous failures of those who later thought they were acting in his name.
My name is Stephen Leeds, and I am perfectly sane. My hallucinations, however, are all quite mad.
A great country worthy of the name does not have any friends.
I would rather make my name than inherit it.
All prisons are brimming over with innocence. It is those who cram their fellows into them, in the name of empty ideas, who are the only guilty ones.
When One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks, not that you won or lost, but how you played the game.
The pursuit of truth is just a polite name for the intellectual's favorite pastime of substituting simple and therefore false abstractions for the living complexities of reality.
Let the name of Whitefield perish, but Christ be glorified
A month of days, a year of months, 20 years of months in the treadmill, is the life that slays everything worthy of the name of life.
Just because you didn't put a name to something did not mean it wasn't there.
I know this golf tournament has my name on it but it's not about me. It's about the Louisiana Tech family. There is nothing greater than being a part of the Bulldog family.
As a global company, ATT is proud to have its name associated with this great university and some of the most exciting college football in the country. We appreciate our strong working relationship with Texas Tech, and we are grateful for the university's leadership to make the Jones ATT Stadium name a reality.
Religious people, in the name of the Constitution, are increasingly being shoved to the back of the social bus.
Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity, as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed'
And the mystery knight should defeat all challengers and name the wolf maid the queen of love and beauty.
Charisma is a fancy name given to the knack of giving people your full attention.
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
Then there was a kid in the neighborhood about three blocks away, his name was Bobby Beavis.
It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defence, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties which make the defence of our nation worthwhile.