It's terrifying. Women make their first film, their second film, and then it's like a nightmare, right, to make the third or fourth? I mean, it's almost like men can have three films in a row that don't do that well and keep on going.
It's funny how much you attach yourself to everyone around you when you film.
Focus should be on the art of film, not on the business of film.
Films that rely on their cast to be funny are often episodic and feel like a series of loosely connected sketches rather than a satisfyingly structured script.
When you deal with a film that takes place in Europe, and you're going to work in English, you'd better work with European actors.
Once a Altman's film has been in a town, it kind of wrecks the town. It doesn't even matter what the film is because, suddenly, everybody's hip and stores start doubling prices or whatever.
It's nice that we have all these different films.
If you watch a film without music, there's nothing that you can connect with.
Who's ever going to write a film in which I get the girl? Me!
When I started in films, it never really occurred to me that I could make a career out of acting.
If you approach a film with the feeling that you are going to have some impact on society then you're liable to get carried away with yourself. Alfred Hitchcock once told me, when I was analyzing a lot of things about his pictures, "Clint, you must remember, it's only a movie.
I love film scores and opera, and I wanted to work in those forms. But theater was more accessible. And no one was doing this in the late 1970s, when I began working in the theater. So, I have written scores for thirteen plays, which are not musicals, but straight plays.
I realized what interested me as a student of film was one thing and the movies that I liked were another.
My brother knows more about film sets than I do, because he works at New York Film Academy.
Television is face acting, and film is eye acting.
You're beautful. Yes you are, you're very very beautiful. Extremely beautiful.
I signed on with Disney to star and choreograph an original film.
If I had only one film in the world to save, it would be 'Grand Illusion. '
With a film, I do my best to understand the author's intentions and try to bring the characters to life.
The film [Kite Runner] was not as big a hit in the United States as it was worldwide, I think it may have been swallowed up by all the other movies it had to go up against.