Now let us begin. Now let us rededicate ourselves to the long and bitter, but beautiful, struggle for a new world. This is the calling of the sons of God, and our brothers wait eagerly for our response. Shall we say the odds are too great? Shall we tell them the struggle is too hard?
I had a calling to become what I became - I was created to do this.
We've created over 200,000 jobs every month this year. Hasn't happened in 17 years. I guess my first question is, when do the Republicans stop calling it 'Obama's economy'?
I'm not calling for a boycott on voting. But I think it should be very clear that just voting is not going to solve our problems.
"That was horrible. Horrible. That poor little guy. " Pex was unrepentant. "Yeah, well, he asked for it. Calling us. . . all those things. " But buried alive?! That's like in that horror movie. Y'know the one with all the horror. " "I think I saw that one. With all the words going up on the screen at the end?" "Yeah, that was it. Tell you the truth, those words kinda ruined it for me. "
I'm going to focus on people and what they need, not on name calling between politicians.
Over the years I've grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way!
But because truly being here is so much; because everything here apparently needs us, this fleeting world, which in some strange way keeps calling to us. Us, the most fleeting of all.
I think of spirit as that which evokes us - the lure of becoming that keeps calling. And I think of soul as that which gets us through the cartography of everyday life.
Why should I have a calling card? I'm not a call girl!
In fact, I thought my calling was to be a painter.
The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people.
Live as with God; and, whatever be your calling, pray for the gift that will perfectly qualify you in it.
Only the individual knows to what God is calling him.
My boyfriend thinks I lost my true calling to be a librarian.
Calling oneself a hero after making mistakes shouldn't earn public trust.
Stop calling your akri your daddy. It makes my wings droop. (Xirena) My akri is my daddy. He said so and it is so, so your wings can droop all they want, ‘cause it won’t change anything! (Simi)
The leading rule for a man of every calling is diligence; never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
People are always calling me a mirror and if a mirror looks into a mirror, what is there to see?
In the past, friendship was a huge thing. But it's hard for us to think of friendship as a calling, because it's not a vocation.