No doubt that he will make an excellent senator.
I agree that two and two make four is an excellent thing; but to give everything its due, two and two make five is also a very fine thing.
There are a million boys growing up in the United States who have never seen a saloon, and who will never know the handicap of liquor and this excellent condition will go on spreading over the country when the wet press and the paid propogandists of booze are forgotten. The abolition of the commercialized liquor trade in this country is as final as the abolition of slavery.
Humor is an excellent method of keeping a tight rein on unproductive displays of emotion.
Remarriage is an excellent test of just how amicable your divorce was.
Whatever we may say against collections, which present authors in a disjointed form, they nevertheless bring about many excellent results. We are not always so composed, so full of wisdom, that we are able to take in at once the whole scope of a work according to its merits. Do we not mark in a book passages which seem to have a direct reference to ourselves? Young people especially, who have failed in acquiring a complete cultivation of mind, are roused in a praiseworthy way by brilliant passages.
I was a good student in the subjects that I wanted to be good in. The curriculum in my section was excellent.
You gotta become. Not do things in excellence. You gotta become excellent.
It is a shameful thing to be weary of inquiry when what we search for is excellent.
Learning is like mercury, one of the most powerful and excellent things in the world in skillful hands; in unskillful, the most mischievous.
It is not just that we exist and God has always existed, it is also that God necessarily exists in an infinitely better, stronger, more excellent way. The difference between God's being and ours is more than the difference between the sun and a candle, more than the difference between the ocean and a raindrop. . . God's being is qualitatively different.
Home's the most excellent place of all.
As I have said, you have no reason to trust me, and an excellent reason not to.
This is what an excellent teacher does; he does not follow his disciples' fancy everywhere, but leads them to his own mind, and pulls up the thorns, and then puts the seed in, and does not answer at once in all cases to the questions put to him.
Let no one ask a stronger mark of an excellent love to God, than that we are insensible to our own reputation.
The pretended admission of a fault on our part creates an excellent impression.
That was excellent! I mean, it didn't do anything, but it looked really cool!
[Short Talk on Sylvia Plath] Did you see her mother on television? She said plain, burned things. She said I thought it an excellent poem but it hurt me. She did not say jungle fear. She did not say jungle hatred wild jungle weeping chop it back chop it. She said self-government she said end of the road. She did not say humming in the middle of the air what you came for chop.
Nietzsche claimed that his genius was in his nostrils and I think that is a very excellent place for it to be.
Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good.