Any religious organization should be allowed to hire based on their religious preference- but not with federal dollars.
Never underestimate the importance of self-belief to transform your own organization, to reassure nervous clients, and to change the future of our business.
In an age where everything and everyone is linked through networks of glass and air, no one - no business, organization, government agency, country - is an island. We need to do right by all our stakeholders, and that's how you create value for shareholders. And one thing is for sure - no organization can succeed in a world that is failing.
Belonging to the Catholic Church gives your support to an organization that conceals and protects child rapists. Again, not as a few isolated incidents, but as a massive, institution-wide culture, a matter of policy even, that extends throughout the organization and reaches all the way to the top. Belonging to the Catholic Church - giving them money, letting them count you in their rolls, sending your children to their schools - gives this behavior your personal thumbs-up, and actively enables it to continue.
I learned in my Ph. D. the discipline I needed to be successful. Most boxers are not that disciplined. They have talent, but the self-organization - the ability to schedule yourself and your priorities - is lacking. My studies were about the control of training on both the psychological and the physical side.
Every organization of men, be it social or political, ultimately relies on man's capacity for making promises and keeping them.
You don't want to go around willy-nilly suing news organizations. That's probably self-defeating.
I consider the differences between man and animals in propensities, feelings, and intellectual faculties, to be the result of the same cause as that which we assign for the variations in other functions, viz. difference of organization; and that the superiority of man in rational endowments is not greater than the more exquisite, complicated, and perfectly developed structure of his brain, and particularly of his ample cerebral hemispheres, to which the rest of the animal kingdom offers no parallel, nor even any near approximation, is sufficient to account for.
The fundamental keys to the culture of any organization can only be achieved when everyone is on the same page.
Love for coworkers, love for customers, love for the product and love for self. Walt Disney instilled all of these "loves" in his company. Each of these factors is critical to achieving success in any organization.
Party organization matters. When the door of a smoke-filled room is closed, there's hardly ever a woman inside.
We are aware that many national farm organizations are putting forth various plans to provide both short- and long-term relief to our nation's agricultural producers. While we believe long-term solutions are essential, the current situation demands a more immediate response.
AARP is a large and powerful organization, similar to the Mafia but more concerned about dietary fiber.
And journalism itself has changed. News organizations and some journalists have transformed from their traditional role as watchdogs of power into institutions of power themselves with an ability, indeed, a susceptibility, to abuse that power.
I've been in a bad accident on I-95, as well as my friend. Having this kind of organization is important so that change can occur. I'll be around whenever they need me.
Successful cooperation in or by formal organizations is the abnormal, not the normal, condition.
Part of being able to make great decisions around that and to really grow a business and scale a business, it also comes down to people. I spend a lot of time building teams at both businesses - both The Trump Organization and my own - and thinking about who to hire to supplement the team and allow us to best achieve our goals.
At one time in the mid-'70s I became the president of the Boston-Cambridge chapter of the World Future Society. Because I'd been in my studio by myself since 1968 on up. And the thing is that my social life consisted of being involved in organizations like that. I would get people to come and speak, and speak myself and that kind of stuff.
I believe we're all aware that there are people and organizations throughout the world who are bent on destroying America, everything we stand for and inflicting harm on American citizens. It is the obligation of the president of the United States to respond to those. I believe, I must add, that this adminstration for the last seven months has neglected compelling national security threats besides this. . . I hope that the president will not confine his activities to just this.
Management problems are not respecters of the company organization, nor of the talents of the people appointed to solve them.