Every instance in my life, I've felt like the exact opposite of Superman. Except this time, this moment right now. I don't care. I don't feel like a weak, insipid sissy. Because right now I know I would save the girl. I know that I would rather risk the planet than let harm befall Eliza Wishart. I would save her in a second. Because I can imagine her and me huddled safe together while the earth falls under evil designs, but I can't imagine the world without her in it.
We are too weak to discover the truth by reason alone
Make (the reader) think the evil, make him think it for himself, and you are released from weak specifications. My values are positively all blanks, save so far as an excited horror, a promoted pity, a created expertness. . . proceed to read into them more or less fantastic figures.
One who is unrestrained in life-delusion overcomes; as the wind a weak tree.
But what a weak barrier is truth when it stands in the way of an hypothesis!
You are still despised and mocked, A man too weak and infirm to be God, A God too much man to call forth adoration.
Fidel Castro looked after the poor, he looked after the weak, he looked after the widow, he looked after the orphan - he did all the things that Prophet Muhammad did from the spiritual perspective.
Because one species is more clever than another, does it give it the right to imprison or torture the less clever species? Does one exceptionally clever individual have a right to exploit the less clever individuals of his own species? To say that he does is to say with the Fascists that the strong have a right to abuse and exploit the weak - might is right, and the strong and ruthless shall inherit the earth.
A man is born gentle and weak. At death, he is hard and stiff. Green plants are tender and filled with sap. At death, they are withered and dry. Therefore, the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death, and the gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.
It is true that we are weak and sick and ugly and quarrelsome but if that is all we ever were, we would millenniums ago have disappeared from the face of the earth.
Davis was weak and vascillating, timid, petulant, peevish, obstinate, but not firm.
It is commonly a weak man who marries for love.
Why do you think you are weak? Wake up and see you have all the strength.
Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong.
Nonviolence is not an easy thing to understand, still less to practice, weak as we are.
Wise man also fears a weak enemy.
Profanity is the result of a weak mind trying to express itself forcably.
A weak human mercy walks in the corridors of hospitals and is like a half-thawed winter.
Man becomes weak or ill by accident as a consequence of the lack of resources. Even the most severally ill patients must be treated with the aim of restoring their health.
When I am weak, then I am strong.