I'm an activist; I have to be angry all the time. That's what we do!
Few men can afford to be angry.
We need an angry generation, A generation to plow the horizons
Don't promise when you're happy, Don't reply when you're angry, and don't decide when you're sad.
The devil-ache of loneliness seldom deserts the bones of the angry.
Onyx is angry," Damian says. "Onyx has a right to be angry. You've got to remember, for many elephants, their life is that of a human in a war-torn country. Ravaged homes, killed relatives, separation," Damian says. Here's another thing I've learned over two months--every elephants here has a sad story. Every captive elephant's story is one of loss and separation. Something to remember every time you see happy people getting elephant rides.
This is a day that God has given me. It's a gift. I can never relive this day. And I'm not going to live it angry, in unforgiveness, and mad at somebody. If I don't get my way, I'm going to believe that God's still in control.
You do angry. I just saw it. And you left at least one hole in my carpet to prove it.
The fact people think that when you sell a lot of books you are not a serious writer is a great insult to the readership. I get a little angry when people try to say such a thing.
You can't get a pay raise when you're angry. People will react to the negative energy and will resist you.
Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
Telling me to relax or smile when I'm angry is like bringing a birthday cake into an ape sanctuary. You're just asking to get your nose and genitals bitten off.
When cornered, a rattle snake can become so angry it's been known to bite itself, which is exactly how I feel in traffic and relationships.
Because that was what you did with family when you'd been worried about them, you grabbed them and held on to them and told them how much they'd pissed you off, and it was okay, because no matter how angry you got, they still belonged to you.
Everything makes me angry, unless it makes me sad.
This is one of the stout-hearted old warriors: he is angry with civilization because he supposes that its aim is to make all goodthings--honors, treasures, beautiful women--accessible even to cowards.
Where it concerns himself, Who's angry at a slander, makes it true.
People are really angry at Washington. And they have a right to be. It's why I ran in 2010, by the way.
There are a few things that make me angry. Mostly things not going my way.
I actually pointed my wand and it blew up! The power! The power was just like Angry Birds, but big [as] life.