But there's also moments where I'm like, 'Ugh, I wish I had abs like Bieber. '
Glimmer, I hear someone call her - ugh, the names the people in District 1 give their children are so ridiculous.
Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour's faded - ugh.
One simple word: ugh. Is something still considered a conspiracy if it's played out right under our noses?
Jessamine flushed. "Ugh! Charlotte, Will's being vexing. " "And the sun has come up in the east," said Jem to no one in particular. . . . "And the sun comes up in the WEST," said Will, who had apparently heard Jem's earlier comment.
I hated high school. Ugh. I couldn't wait until it was over so I could sleep in. In college, I made sure all my classes were in the afternoon. I hated getting up in the morning.
Therefore. Ergo. Erg. Argh. Ugh.
Sometimes you can be with a group of people and feel so much love for them while you're looking around and then you get to yourself and you go, "Ugh. "
So,uh, where am I, exactly ? And what do you plan on doing with me ?" "You're at Underworld General Hospital. As you can probably guess, we specialize in nonhuman medical care. Our location is secret, so don't ask. " "UGH ? Your hospital is called 'ugh' ? Oh, that's precious.
Ugh! Erin. You have a one-track mind. " She smiled deviously. "I prefer to think of it as target-driven.
Ugh! Why can't Hell stay where it's at? Why does it always have to break loose?
I am surprised at the way people seem to perceive me, and sometimes I read stories and hear things about me and I go "ugh. " I wouldn't like her either. It's so unlike what I think I am or what my friends think I am.
I did side planks for my obliques, which are one of my trouble areas. And traditional planks tone your back so you don't have that little bit of fat hanging over your bra. Ugh!
Like most people, you listen to yourself on the phone or an answering machine and you're like, 'Ugh. ' So to do something with just your voice is hard.
Elaine: Ugh, I hate people. Jerry: Yeah, they're the worst.
I hate caviar. Ugh! The freebase of food!
When someone says to me, Ugh, you smoke. I reply, Ugh, you're ugly. I can quit smoking.
Ugh! How many stories about love, copulation, marriage and death already exist, not one of which tells the truth! How sick I am of well-constructed plots and brilliant writing!
I think that indicates why men tend to invest more wealth. If he loses some, there's more coming in. Whereas for women, it's like "Ugh, I gotta keep this. "
I will say that going to these meetings and things, you know, I thought that, you know, be in a room with a bunch of drunk people. Ugh! I can't do that. And the truth is, it is the cheapest therapy that you could ever get. You're in a group of people that are from all walks of life, you know. Some guy that's got, you know, construction stuff on and dust still on, to a person that's the CEO of a company. And it's a common - it's a common abyss that you shared.