Marx's writings still have something to teach us about capitalism. They have little or nothing to teach us about any alternatives to it. Anyone who had read them knows that.
You want to do what you can while you are on this earth. Otherwise, the alternative is to go shopping.
However, to modify a habit, you must decide to change it. You must consiously accept the hard work of identifying the cues and rewards that drive the habits' routines, and find alternatives. You must know you have control and be self-conscious enough to use it -- and every chapter in this book is devoted to illustrating a different aspect of why that control is real.
Education must, be not only a transmission of culture but also a provider of alternative views of the world and a strengthener of the will to explore them.
f you're making the scene as a director, you're looking for alternatives, once you've got to that place that's very much in Rowan's [Atkins] head, to see if you can take it further, in some places. Sometimes you do absolutely know there's something there. You just feel it in your bones.
Biking is a good alternative. Use the city as your gym.
The current treatment of animals in the livestock trade definitely renders the consumption of meat as halachically unacceptable as the product of illegitimate means. . . . As it is halachically prohibited to harm oneself and as healthy, nutritious vegetarian alternatives are easily available, meat consumption has become halachically unjustifiable.
I still favor alternatives to governmental race-based preferences.
Being traded is like celebrating your 100th birthday. It might not be the happiest occasion in the world, but consider the alternative.
More or less Europe - that's the wrong alternative! What we need is less centralism.
I question why the department continued to watch the costs escalate without informing Parliament and without considering alternatives.
We now know that human transformation does not happen through didacticism or through excessive certitude, but through the playful entertainment of another scripting of reality that may subvert the old given text and its interpretation and lead to the embrace of an alternative text and its redescription of reality.
The alternative to thinking in evolutionary terms is not to think at all.
So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear that there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free-enterprise system.
It's wrong to criticize government without offering a possible alternative.
A long apprenticeship is the most logical way to success. The only alternative is overnight stardom, but I can't give you a formula for that.
I get to be the mayor of the capital city of the most polluting state of the most polluting country on the planet. . . . I see truly a non-carbon economy. It's cleaner. It's healthier. We're about out of alternatives, so it's going to be easier and more cost effective to start to do the right thing.
I don't get my authority from this preexisting paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people. I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity.
Alternative cartoonists have to rely on comic book stores to get their stuff in the hands of readers.
I love everything from country to alternative to Blink-182 and 90s music to Dave Matthews.