get back, get back! ill turn you into a piglet! ast a bula- no wait. that turns ME into a piglet!!
We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet. Even longer,' Pooh answered.
I wonder what Piglet is doing," thought Pooh. "I wish I were there to be doing it, too.
It is just flipping unbelievable. He is a mixture of Harry Houdini and a greased piglet. He is barely human in his elusiveness. Nailing Blair is like trying to pin jelly to a wall.
I don’t feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh. "There there," said Piglet. "I’ll bring you tea and honey until you do.
There are elements of Piglet that are me: the shyness and the anxieties and fears. Even after all these years. The more you know, the higher your standards are and the more you have to lose.
How the little piglets would grunt if they knew how the old boar suffered.
He's a male chauvinistic piglet.
Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?' 'Supposing it didn't,' said Pooh after careful thought. Piglet was comforted by this.
What I like doing best is Nothing.
The more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn't there.
What day is it?" It's today," squeaked Piglet. My favorite day," said Pooh.
Piglet opened the letter box and climbed in. Then, having untied himself, he began to squeeze into the slit, through which in the old days when front doors were front doors, many an unexpected letter than WOL had written to himself, had come slipping.
I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen.
Contact lenses are for vain, weak-willed piglets who swan around showing off: 'Look everybody, I can see without spectacles. No one at first glance will ever assume I know how to surf the net. '
Piglet: "How do you spell 'love'?" Winnie the Pooh: "You don't spell it. . . you feel it. "
Piglet was so excited at the idea of being Useful that he forgot to be frightened any more, and when Rabbit went on to say that Kangas were only Fierce during the winter months, being at other times of an Affectionate Disposition, he could hardly sit still, he was so eager to begin being useful at once.
Why must I have the Piglet?' 'Because you are the best. ' 'I do not understand. ' 'Teach him. ' 'And who teaches me?' ' As an officer, my lord, you will have many men under your command and not all will be gifted. You must learn to use each man to his best advantage.
WHERE did you say it was?' asked Pooh. Just here,' said Eeyore. Made of sticks?' Yes' Oh!' said Piglet. What?' said Eeyore. I just said "Oh!"' said Piglet nervously. And so as to seem quite at ease he hummed Tiddely-pom once or twice in a what-shall-we-do-now kind of way.
I'd breed a little liberal army in the wood, just like these redneck lunatics I see at the local bar with their tribe of mutant inbred piglets.