The truth is that most mission work is carried out where the church already exists Only small percentages are working where the church is non-existent.
If God has fit you to be a missionary, I would not have you shrivel down to be a king.
We just could not have the Church of Jesus Christ without the spirit of missionary work.
The desperately poor are not going to come to us to hear the Good News. We have to go to them.
If the Lord is coming soon, is this not a very practical motive for greater missionary effort? I know of no other motive that has been so stimulating to myself.
Love for the Lord, love for His servants the missionaries. Missionary work is a work of love and trust, and it has to be done on that basis.
None so empty of grace as he that thinks he is full.
Why do we insist on building the largest and most impressive structures in our city when people on the other side of town are hungry, jobless and worshipping in storefronts?
Missionary work is an identifying feature of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Always has it been; ever shall it be.
I have never ceased to rejoice that God has appointed me to such an office.
One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.
I am immortal till my work is accomplished
Missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience.
We are given so few years on this earth, and there are so many good things that get in the way of the best things. We must live for eternity.
Nail the colours to the mast! That is the right thing to do, and, therefore, that is what we must do, and do it now. What colours? The colours of Christ, the work He has given us to do- the evangelization of all the unevangelized.
I do not consecrate myself to be a missionary or a preacher. I consecrate myself to God to do His will where I am, be it in school, office, or kitchen, or wherever He may, in His wisdom, send me.
In this life, such things as service in the Church, including missionary service, all of this is available to anyone who is true to covenants and commandments.
I realized that my life was to be one of simple, childlike faith, and that my part was to trust, not to do. I was to trust in Him and He would work in me to do His good pleasure. From that time my life was different.
I love to live on the brink of eternity.
Every missionary who is proclaiming the name and gospel of Jesus Christ will be blessed by daily feasting from the Book of Mormon.