Acting's an odd profession for a young person; it's so extreme. You work, and the conditions are tough and the process is so immersive, and then it stops, and then there's nothing. So you have to find ways of making you feel productive when you're not actually producing anything. For a young person, that's really challenging.
Food conditions the nature of the mind. Mind guides the thinking. Thinking results in action. Actions lead to commensurate or matching results and effects. This chain of action between the food we eat and the results of our actions highlights the fact that meat eating leads to beastly actions and the concomitant evil effects.
During misfortunes, nothing aggravates our condition more, than to be esteemed deserving of them.
We have arrived at a moment of decision. Our home-Earth-is in danger. What is at risk of being destroyed is not the planet itself, of course, but the conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings.
Well building hat three conditions. Commodity, firmness, and delight.
The change is from inner to outer. We start by dissolving our attitude not by altering outer conditions.
History is, in its essentials, the science of change. It knows and it teaches that it is impossible to find two events that are ever exactly alike, because the conditions from which they spring are never identical.
Life creates conditions conducive to life.
The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature.
We may feel genuinely concerned about world conditions, though such a concern should drive us into action and not into a depression.
I have always been in a condition in which I cannot not write.
Sometimes I manage to get conditions alleviated, often not.
It is, I believe, justifiable to make the generalization that anything an organic chemist can synthesize can be made without him. All he does is increase the probability that given reactions will 'go. ' So it is quite reasonable to assume that given sufficient time and proper conditions, nucleotides, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids will arise by reactions that, though less probable, are as inevitable as those by which the organic chemist fulfills his predictions. So why not self-duplicating virus-like systems capable of further evolution?
A poem may be an instance of morality, of social conditions, of psychological history; it may instance all its qualities, but never one of them alone, nor any two or three; never less than all.
It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living.
Assuredly of all earthly conditions uncertainty is the most unblest.
It is impossible to attain proper physical condition without being sound both mentally and morally.
We have created stability, which is a necessary condition for development. But I can't call this system authoritarian.
Regarding fighting terrorism, we are ready to cooperate with anyone in this world with no conditions. That's crux of our policy, not today, not yesterday; for years, even before the war on Syria, we always said that.
People who love each other don't bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.