I still think of myself really as a New Yorker
I am the young, edgy New Yorker.
I still can't get over the idea that respectable adults now go to see superhero movies and that such films get reviewed in the 'New Yorker. ' Clearly, I am seriously out of step with the times.
When I read the article [in The New Yorker] by David Grann, I was very struck by people responding to the article, of people thinking I was such a hero and what a wonderful person I was, and I didn't feel that at all. I felt like I had very much, like Todd [Willingham], taken a path of self-preservation.
Yes, Im a New Yorker, born and bred. While Im not quite the L. A. snob that Woody Allen is, I do find myself happier in New York.
Life is a campus: in a Greenwich Village bookstore, looking for a New Yorker collection, I asked of an earnest-looking assistant where I might find the humour section. Peering over her granny glasses, she enquired, "Humour studies would that be, sir?
I am a New Yorker. I like New York. And I like cities. And it's not my desire to make New York more suburban. I would personally just like to vet each person.
I am a New Yorker, one; I'm an artist, two; I'm a woman, three.
I always say I have a Danish passport, but I am a New Yorker at heart.
A friend said to me I'm like a walking New Yorker article. It's true! That's how I write. That's how I think.
I'm a native New Yorker, so I'm edgier; I kind of tell it like it is.
New York is a place that can grind you down and spit you out. A true New Yorker doesn't get ground down, he gets polished.
I've been a New Yorker for ten years, and the only people who are nice to us turn out to be Moonies.
Some of Mr. Gregory's poems have merely appeared in The New Yorker ; others are New Yorker poems: the inclusive topicality, the informed and casual smartness, the flat fashionable irony, meaningless because it proceeds from a frame of reference whose amorphous superiority is the most definite thing about it they are the trademark not simply of a magazine but of a class.
If [Bill Shawn] liked the piece, then he would run it. But he wanted the magazine to be something that was more than just a weekly event. And as a result you could pick up a New Yorker under him, as I mentioned before, a year from then or 10 years or 20 years and there would always be something worth reading in it.
I'm a New Yorker, you know.
I really feel now like a native New Yorker. And I'm very happy here.
We have a policy at The New Yorker,. . That is, if someone doesn't want to be profiled, we drop it. I would like you to show me the same courtesy.
I feel like I'm a New Yorker to the bone. But there is a lot of the South in me. I know there is a lot of the South in my mannerisms. There's a lot of the South in my expectations of other people and how people treat each other. There's a lot of the South in the way I speak, but it could never be home.
I'm a New Yorker, and I jaywalk with the best of them.